Our Vision
By 2030 we would like to see significant progress in East Suffolk in each of the following areas:
- Active travel - Walking and cycling are improving our physical and mental health and enhancing quality of life and the environment. Low emissions travel dominates.
- Eco-friendly development - Designed to limit environmental harm, meet changing needs of occupants, cope with changes to the climate and feel part of the wider natural environment.
- Energy generating homes - Existing buildings are retrofitted to be part of a smart energy system, they are net generators with very little under occupancy.
- Environmentally beneficial employment - Decent work and an economy that works for all. Organisations recognise local sense of place and how a healthy environment benefits employers and employees.
- Healthy humanity - People are connected with their community and supported by functioning education and care systems which are free at point of use.
- Nature first - Nature’s value is recognised by the majority, visitors are attracted because of it and everyone actively cares for it.
- Pollution free environment - Use of plastics is tightly controlled and everyone takes responsibility to reduce the impact of their activities on the environment.
- Quality food - People can access good quality, healthy, tasty food. Food that is grown and farmed in ways that minimise negative impacts and maximise positive impacts on natural resources.
- Upcycling culture - People are borrowing, repairing, reusing and buying wisely to limit environmental harm. Products are designed to circular economy principles.
Who we are
The Greenprint Forum is a voluntary network, facilitated by the district council, to help deliver their business plan; specifically enabling community environmental action to improve lives and strengthen our economy.
Whilst our focus is on East Suffolk, anyone, anywhere can join for free to help inform and learn from our thinking. Please be aware that we have one, passionate part time staff resource (two days a week dedicated to this) and a steering group of 10, who give of their knowledge while being active in their own communities and organisations. All other effort is voluntary or requires funding to be gained to pay for it.
Our Steering Group
How to contact us