Sign up to the Garden Waste Scheme |
Pay a parking fine |
Pay a Smoke-Free Fixed Penalty Notice |
Make an online payment |
Make an automated telephone payment on 0300 790 0509 |
You can make an online payment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using most major credit or debit cards, including Visa and Mastercard. We do not accept Maestro, American Express, JCB, or Diners Club.
Please make sure you have the reference number of the bill you want to pay and your credit or debit card to hand.
You can pay online for: Council TaxBusiness rates Housing rent Housing Benefit overpayment Sales invoices (including beach huts) Business Improvement District Taxi Licensing Hackney Carriage Taxi Licensing Private Hire Port Health low risk import charges Port Health agent top up only Other payments |
Additional card security We have implemented the VeriSecure fraud protection measure as part of a nationwide programme to protect users paying via the Internet - this is the Internet equivalent of Chip & PIN. If you have registered your card with your card provider you will be asked to enter the password you have previously chosen and registered with them after entering your card details on our payment website. |
Data stored and transmitted to the council is certified completely secure, confidential and your details will not be used for any other purpose. Our Financial Services, Corporate Performance and Risk Management Privacy Notice explains more.
If you are in a public place we strongly advise you to make sure you are not overlooked as you enter your details to prevent them from being misused by somebody else.