From 2026, East Suffolk Council will supply all households with an additional wheelie bin or other container to separate paper and card from plastics, metal, cartons (including Tetra Pak) and glass bottles or jars. This will be in addition to a brand-new weekly food waste collection service. This extra collection service will also allow the Council to adopt a three-weekly waste collection service, rather than the current fortnightly arrangement, without a reduction in the overall combined capacity of household bins. National targets require us to divert 60% of waste to recycling by 2030 and 65% by 2035. The current co-mingled method of collecting recycling in one bin means that a large amount of the paper and card we collect is contaminated by the other items. The ‘twin stream’ method, with an additional recycling bin, will transform the quality of materials for re-use, with huge environmental benefits. This also means that much less residual waste will need to be collected. We know that some people are worried about the space they need for an additional bin. However, as we do currently, we will always seek to help any residents who have legitimate storage concerns. Additionally, alternative arrangements will be considered for households who may struggle with less frequent waste collections – for example those with medical needs or children in nappies. |
We provide a fortnightly bin collection for recyclable materials.
All material for recycling, should be clean, dry and placed loose in the blue lidded bin.
The Suffolk County Council website contains lots of useful information about recycling in Suffolk.
Your local bring sites situated at supermarkets and other locations in the community offer the opportunity to dispose of glass, paper, textiles and cans.
In addition, Suffolk County Council run Household Waste Recycling Centres.
There is also a privately run Beccles Community Recycling Centre at:
which operates a chargeable service under a 'pay as you throw' scheme.
In Suffolk, mixed recycling is collected by your council and taken to the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) at Great Blakenham in Suffolk, for separation and baling.
Find out more about what happens at the Materials Recycling Facility.
The Suffolk Waste Partnership, which is a strategic partnership of the county, district and borough councils, has been working closely with Viridor - the company contracted to sort and sell Suffolk's household recycling - to compile recycling end destination information for the period 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2019.