A newly elected councillor has to sign an undertaking, as part of their written declaration of acceptance of office, that they will observe the council’s Code of Conduct. In addition, all councillors have to complete a register of interests within 28 days of the election, which is available for anyone to view.
Councillors are obliged, by law, to keep their statutory register entry up-to-date and to inform their council’s Monitoring Officer of any changes within 28 days.
Prospective candidates are advised to read the Code of Conduct before standing for election so that they are aware of what will apply to them, and be sure that they are willing to complete the requirements for the register of interests detailed in the Code of Conduct.
The Suffolk Local Code of Conduct applies to elected councillors and co-optees appointed to the county, borough, district, town and parish councils in Suffolk.
The Code of Conduct is intended to promote openness and transparency and to enable the public to have confidence that councillors act in the bona fide interests of their communities.
Complaints against district, town or parish councillors, who may have breached the Code of Conduct, are dealt with by the respective Monitoring Officer for each council.
Complaints against a county councillor should be made to the county council’s Monitoring Officer.