Rats and mice are common in our towns and in rural areas. They carry disease and can cause considerable damage to property so it is important to control them. One of the easiest ways to prevent them taking up residence near you, is to keep your house and garden tidy and free from rubbish.
We provide a refuse collection service for bulky items of waste.
You can take any waste that won’t fit in your bin to one of the household waste and recycling sites in Suffolk.
You can also request a quote for the collection of construction waste, DIY waste or house clearances by contacting East Suffolk Services Ltd.
Rats will be attracted to your garden for food so if you feed wild birds, make sure you don’t put food directly on the ground and clear up any food the birds haven’t eaten and do not put meat or bread on your compost heap, if you have one.
If you keep chickens or ducks, it is difficult to keep rats away but if you think you have a problem it is important to act before a large colony establishes itself. Seek professional help to deal with the issue.
If you suspect that your property suffers from pests (fleas, rats, wasps, mice, etc.), you should seek advice from a qualified pest control company, details of which can be found in all local directories. The councils no longer provides any form of pest control service.
It is important, if you suspect an infestation is affecting your property, that all neighbours take action to control the problem as a whole. For further information contact our Private Sector Housing Team.
Hoarding is a complex mental health issue. Unfortunately, in many cases, those experiencing these tendencies are resistant to accept help to organise their homes. Generally, unless the issues directly affect other households, the Council is unable to get involved.
The Council is able to offer minimal support in extreme cases, for example where there is a health issue (e.g. insanitary or dangerous conditions. In those cases we work with other health and care professionals to try and offer support to get a property cleaned or cleared.
Lofty Heights are able to offer a support service to individuals who are struggling to clear their premises of accumulated belongings.